Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our ELDER goes UNDER...

DOWN UNDER.... Alan's little bro Levi is leaving for a mission to Austrialia. In fact... he reports to the MTC today. This past weekend we went down to Thatcher to listen to him talk in church and enjoy being together as a family before he left. All 10 of Alan's brothers and sisters with their family were there. It was great fun! We even survived family pictures. We are so proud of Levi and the example he is setting for our boys. He will be a GREAT missionary!

Levi and Bryson

One of our Family shots...

What's Levi doin'... just Goofin' I guess..

Trying to keep Kaci happy for pictures!


Mary Ann said...

it was so fun to have you here! you look amazing! i love the pictures you have!

Tom and Sue said...

Poor little Bryson! Or should I say, poor mom! He looks pretty proud of those battle wounds! It was so fun seeing you guys here! Don't feel like I got to hardly talk to you! You'll have to come visit again!

mel palmer family said...

That was so awesome to have you down