Friday, October 17, 2008

Bryson is growin' up...

Brsyon just headed out the door for a overnighter campout with scouts... They are going up by Hanagan's Meadow and then doing a 20 mile hike down to the Blue river (I hope I got all that right) tommorow. It should be a cold night, so I made sure I helped him pack good#?!!! As he was getting ready to leave, we were talking - I told him it's hard on Moms to see there little boys grow up...I said you know I worry about you don't you... His reply "Obviously, look at all this" as he points to his HUGE PILE of stuff he was taking! However, to my credit... when I dropped him off.... Other kids had HUGE PILES OF STUFF too! I hope he has a great trip, is safe and stays warm! I'm sure I will offer a few prayers in the next 24 hours! Thank goodness he has GREAT Scout Leaders!!!


Jessica said...

I know exactly how you feel, I get that way whenever Hayden does something new and on his own! Its really neat but also kinda sad at the same time to see them growing up so fast!