Okay.. so last night was bunco night.. and for the VERY FIRST TIME... I got to stay at the party the ENTIRE TIME and Alan didn't even have to bring Kaci to me! Yeah!!!!! She actually took a bottle for him and was very happy while I was gone... and like I said in a blog earlier, I even came home to a mostly clean house. What a family I have - they are AWESOME!!! Okay, so about Bunco... it was at my friend Krystal's house - she required us to dress as a famous person... so Alan helped me come up with an idea... And HERE IT IS!!!
CAN YOU GUESS IT??? Yip, I'm Sarah Palin
(I was so happy... people actually knew who I was)
As you can see from the picture...we had a great time!
Here are others and their fun costumes...
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