Sunday, March 18, 2012

last post till tommorow (i think)

blessings/TM cont....

43.  Friend and nurse who made extra special efforts in getting medical records I needed!

44. The room Bryson is in has a great bed for me and it's even comfortable.

45. I got 6 hours of sleep last night and hoping for atleast that tonight.

46. Doctors and nurses that not only have knowledge but have people skills and show so much kindness.

47.  Phones so I can tell my kids and husband I love them before bedtime!

48. Prayer.  Not only that I can pray for my own child but also for the children I hear cry down the hall.

49. My amazing and very tough boy! He has not cried once.  I even told him I would still think he is tough if he cries.  He comforts me when I cry.

50.  Texts from friends I know I have already shared that but its the only thing right now that has brought any emotion of happiness.

51. Bryson's kindness he shows me! Like being concerned that I need rest or telling me mom.....go eat! I am so thankful he's my son! I'm a proud mom!

52. I'm thankful that I know someday he Will smile again and I can't wait!

53. A kind call to Bryson from Elder Dave LaSueur an Area Seventy for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Of which we are thankful to be a member of!

54.  A gift bag brought to use this evening with some very yummy things....Bryson loved the popcorn and MnM's which he ate and watched Harry Potter.

55. A nurse that is able to read sign language so when I walk out in the hall every 60 seconds blinking my hands.....she knows his alarm is going off again.  We are on our 3rd IV machine.  We also are pump that is draining his wound...battery died and YES another alarm went off. 

56.   Modern technology

57.  friend gave me the idea to update everyone on a blog.  This has been good for me emotionally.

58. A husband that I can't wait to see tommorow!

59. A blessing is all my blessings! I feel very blessed tonight I am so thankful to everyone and especially to my Savior Jesus.Christ whom I love and whom can truly understand and help Bryson the most!

60.   that it is after 8 which means I might get some sleep soon.

61.  Brysons more foot massage before bed!

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