Dr. Reece from plastics said the goal for todays surg is the skin graft. The Will take skin from the side of his bottom and also use sometype of artificial skin to cover the wound. Alan still is on his way down. He should be here before surg is done but he got stuck in flag in a blizzard. I was able to get some much needed food and now I'm just waiting in the surg waiting area. He was famous back in the surg pre op area. Several nurses were there that were excited to see him again. They teased him about making them get out of bed at 1 in the morning to come in for surg Saturday. They have been so good to him and me!
The picture is of him being taken back for surg. My heart.was breaking for him when he went back....the pain had really spiked! I can't even begin to describe how tough he is! He is one amazing young man and I'm so thankful I have the opportunity to be his mom!
Blessings/Tender Mercies
74. Dr just came out. All went well. Hope to see him soon. They covered the wound with artificial skin then with his own skin. Dr. thinks the pain on his bottom Will feel more like road rash...just because he Will be concentrating more on the greater pain on his arm. They Will keep the pump on him for 4 days them take a look to see if the graft took fine.
75. Yes!! Alan is in the parking lot. He Will be with us when he wakes up. I need a hug and can't wait!
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